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    Purposeful Digital Design & Web Development


    (without sidebars*)

*Wot? No sidebars?

Each and every page on your site should have a purpose, and its content should serve that purpose. Anything on the page that doesn't serve the purpose dilutes your message, risks distracting your audience, and makes it less likely they will complete the action you actually intend for them to take.

“If a web page has no purpose…”

-Well. When you put it like that.

sidebar mockery

Sidebars—those panels filled with meta data, related posts, tag clouds, facebook widgets and, yes, ads—can have their place but are typically symptomatic of content stuffing.

Back-to-front thinking that starts with a blank screen and wonders what to fill it with rather than beginning with the content and working out how best to present it.

That is lazy thinking, design done backwards.

We can do better than that.

And when I say we I mean Us.

Together we can work out how best to align your objectives with the needs of your users, the content you will need to do it, and the most attractive and effective way to deliver it.

Websites and apps with a purpose.

Let's talk about what you need and how we can help with:

Web and app design and development

Digital strategy, content creation and curation

Copywriting and online marketing